Shipping & Pickup
Safety and efficiency are extremely important to C&D Lumber. Please refer to the following guidelines and don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or feedback.
Things to remember when picking up loads:
Contact Shipping Dept on CB Channel 8.
Loads must be strapped when driving through the mill.
You will need to provide a unit count and truck weight when checking out.
Please observe our NO SMOKING POLICY.
Loading appointments need to be made in advance, typically 24 hours.
Directions to our mill:
North on I-5: Take exit #103. At the stop sign turn left.
South on I-5: Take exit #103. At the stop sign turn right.
Go past McDonald's, over the river, and take the first road to the left onto Pruner Road. The first driveway on the right is the entrance into our Shipping Yard.
Tommy Wilson
Shipping Coordinator
Email Tommy
(541) 874-2108
Fax: (541) 874-3370
Loading Hours:
6 AM- 2:30 PM
(Last truck loaded at 1:45 PM)
Monday - Friday
Loading Appointment Required. Please call to make an appointment.